Show Notes
After a late start, Roberto and Raheem get right too it, talking Raheem’s upcoming tours, the UK and Forever Famicon, ask: How does Raheem manage all his time to stuff done, discuss chiptunes and Silent Hills cancelation, and more! (Recorded Live May 20th, 2015)
- Hyperbolic Time Chamber [DBZ] (DBZ Wikia)
- UK Tour 2015 (MegaranMusic)
- Forever Famicom (bandcamp)
- Glenntai (Facebook)
- 8Bit Version of 'The Call' (MegaranMusic)
- Chiptune vs 8Bit Article (
- PT (aka Silent Hills) getting Canceled (Wikipedia)
- Forever Famicom Tour (MegaranMusic)
- Mighty No. 9 (Wikipedia)
Raheem's Plugs!
- Website:
- Patreon: Bits and Rhymes
- Podcasts: The Manual , Bits, Rhymes, & Life
- Previous Raheem Episode(s): 84 , 119
- Previous Episode(s) Featuring Raheem: 141 , 170
Contact Roberto
- Twitter (8BitLifePodcast)
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